我推荐 新人采用 下面的 学习轨迹,一开始掌握足够的基础 然后通过 实践训练 不断积累更高阶的 技能。
以 Vue 教程为例:
学习掌握 学习/教程/基础 栏目下所有内容
--> 开始实践
--> 遇到问题或者踩到坑
--> 优先在 学习/教程/ 下面寻找解决方案
从过去的经验来看,几乎你能遇到的所有问题 都能在 官网找到解决方案。这也是我觉得 Vue
做的非常棒的地方,它 确实非常 易用
比如 在 处理边界情况 里提到的循环引用问题。轻易就解决了我的疑惑,没有让我们费时费力的去踩坑。
那么还有什么是官方教程里面没涉及到的呢? 我想 主要是 设计模式
以及 习语
Design patterns
are solutions to programming problems you find again and again in real-world application development. The design involves a description or a solution template for solving a problem that can be applied in different scenarios. Patterns are formalized best practices that developers can use in their own applications.
就是 编程的套路。 既然叫套路 那就是 屡试不爽的解决方案。
What exactly is an idiom
? According to Wikipedia it is "an expression of a simple task, algorithm, or data structure that is not a built-in feature in the programming language being used, or, conversely, the use of an unusual or notable feature that is built in to a programming language". Then it goes on: "The term can be used more broadly, however, to refer to complex algorithms or programming design patterns. Knowing the idioms associated with a programming language and how to use them is an important part of gaining fluency in that language."
也是套路, 相对于 设计模式
它更简短,可能就是一行代码。因此 并没有必要 明显地去区分 设计模式
和 习语
, 他们都是指前端编程里面 常见的,经典的解决方案。